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The Training - Modern Medicine & Adventism

20 July - 3 August 2025, Vita Salus Portugal

For medical students &  recent graduates

Connecting and Supporting Adventist Doctors and Medical Students in the UK 

Join a community of doctors and medical students who acknowledge God's leading in their practice and personal lives. We seek to invite our patients, colleagues and classmates to also know the Great Physician. 

About Us

The Adventist Doctors' Support Network was an inspiration by God with the aim to connect Adventist doctors and medical students in the UK. We provide an opportunity where they our members come together and support each other in their careers as well as their Christian journey. At times we may feel alone in the world, but knowing that we have colleagues around with whom we can connect, discuss and share can be just THAT extra to help us go through life as well as our careers. 

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Our Aims & Objectives

Unity & Support

The group aims to unite and support doctors and medical students (in the future we hope to include other Adventist health professionals) where we can discuss our work dilemma's, ethical cases and more.

In a Meeting

Through member led sessions and guest speaker presentations we aim to encourage growth in knowledge. Members will be given the opportunity to share their expertise and experience to educate other members. The group aims to arrange continuing professional development (CPD) for the members.

Online Learning

As doctors and medical students, we aim to provide mentoring for our junior members. More senior doctors interested in the mentoring programme are invited to contact ADSN with their request. We will do our utmost to connect you with the right person.

Doctor Teaching on Seminar

We are to go out and spread the gospel. The right hand of the gospel is the health message. Through the health message we can witness to our community and give education and health on how to care for themselves, thus speed the work of the Lord and His soon return.  

Medical Team

Often times missionary projects are organised outside of the UK. The Group aims to allow for every member to work together and do missionary work within their area or county. There is a lot we can do for our community and best place to start is in our own neighbourhoods.

City Business Meeting

Our Services

The Adventist Doctors Support Network is here to provide 


Looking to join a group that upholds the same beliefs as you? Please complete the form under “Sign-up”



To support you in your studies and career journey, click here to fill out our membership form

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Organize educational and faith strengthening events and conferences. Present at churches or events when requested and where possible. Complete the contact us form if you wish to invite an ADSN member to an event.



Are you an Adventist medical student or doctor interested in a mentor? Make your request by contacting us via the contact form. Click here

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Using our expertise along with the gospel we help the community to regain their health and learn about the love of their Savior. 



Mission projects within the United Kingdom. Focusing on health empowerment and the needs of the various communities and church communities.

"Thanks for the great work you are doing. God bless your Ministry in Jesus Name." 

General Practitioner

We Need Your Support

Consider supporting us financially to allow us to organise better and larger conferences and to widen the resources and services we provide.  

Child at the Doctor
True physicians are educators. They recognise their responsibility not only to the sick who are under their direct care but also to the communities in which they live.


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